Fat Hands

she used to sit in this cafe, and just face the wall. And it wasn’t coffee she was drinking


Fat Hands lives in Hackney, in London. She is a female, in her late twenties. Fat Hands is not her real name. She dislikes writing About pages, much in the same way she dislikes writing CVs and job application forms, and also things like Top Ten lists and thank-you letters. She likes answering questions a lot though, so perhaps if there’s any issues that you feel have not been suitably dealt with on this About page please post a comment below and Fat Hands will get back to you. Go on, have a go.

One Response to “About”

  1. Samir said

    Hi, I have thin hands. well not really thin hands? more long hands? okay. not really long hands that sounds creepy. but yes thin hands. no not thin hands just long hands that are thin.

    I don’t like punctuation much today.


    -Samir “Long thin hands” Zarif

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